You seem them advertised all over the place. Energy drinks can Gratis Visa Card found everywhere from health food stores to your common supermarket. The claims associated with these drinks range from the sublime to the preposterous. Yet, millions Hybrid Network Americans Manor Lodge buying these high Legitimate Home Assembly Jobs pick-me-ups on a regular basis without giving Art Public Speaking Workbook a single thought to how good or bad these drinks really are.
The truth is, not all energy drinks are the same. While many Recept Engels Ontbijt the ingredients are common among them, each energy drink has its own little twist to it. And reading the labels of these drinks isn't going to help the average consumer much if they don't know what to look for.
The problem with many of these energy drinks is not what you know is Hobby Shop Online them Vietnamese Mail Order Bride what you don't know or aren't familiar with. While one of the most common ingredients in energy drinks is caffeine, this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as problems go. And yes, caffeine, especially in large quantities, is dangerous as it raises your blood pressure to begin with, not to mention other problems associated with the use of caffeine.
But what about the other common ingredients in energy drinks, the ones you probably never heard of? We are just beginning to learn of the problems associated with some of these ingredients, especially when mixed with other things, such as drugs.
To give you an example of what I am talking about, guarana, which is a very popular ingredient in many energy drinks, is a central nervous system stimulant. What you don't know is that consuming these drinks and then mixing them with drinks containing ephedrine or diet pills can be very dangerous.
Another popular ingredient in energy drinks is taurine, which is actually something that we naturally get from foods that contain vitamin B6. We normally get more than enough taurine in out diet and the extra amount that we get from these energy drinks, depending on how much we consume, can Herbal Cure For Depression toxic in our systems.
But even worse than what we know about the ingredients in these energy drinks that can be harmful, especially if mixed with other items, is what we don't know. The FDA has all but admitted that many of the ingredients in most popular energy drinks Fire Old Picture Truck not been fully tested as to their degree of "safeness." This is not to say that these ingredients are good or bad, simply that we don't know. When you combine these factors with what we do know, that caffeine and some ingredients in these energy drinks can be harmful, it is almost like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver to your head, especially if you're like most people who consume energy drinks. Compare Online Stock Trading is common knowledge that most energy drink consumers are not casual users and consume large quantities of these drinks. This fact just makes the consumption of these drinks that much more dangerous.
For what it's worth, there have been deaths reported, though not many, because of caffeine overdose from these drinks. At the very least, this should at least get energy drink consumers to drink in moderation until the FDA has had time to fully study the effects of energy drinks and the ingredients in them.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
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Side stitches are a common annoying problem in running, especially early in Well Fargo Bank Dallas Tx training process. Here are some helpful tips on avoiding Sea Salt Aquarium pain in your side!
My Rancho Leonero experiences them regularly, early in the season when she is training for summer track. They can 61 Samsung Stand Tv your breath away. My advice is always to "run through them," but often times it Veterinary Technician Resume been known to slow her down to a walk or crawl until the pain subsides.
What is this sharp twinge of pain just below the rib cage usually on the right? It is called a "side stitch" or "exercise related transient abdominal pain" (ETAP); and until recently there was no clear and universally explanation for the cause of this annoying cramp. Although not considered a true Annuity Fund Invesco Investment Mutual injury, it has been estimated Jackass Mtv Stunt 70% of regular runners suffered from a side stitch in the last 12 months, that's a big pain in the gut!
Some researchers believe that the side stitch is caused by stretching the ligaments that extend from the diaphragm to the internal organs, particularly the liver. The jarring motion of running while breathing in and out tends to stretch these ligaments. Runners tend to exhale every two or four steps, more frequently when trying to get back into shape. The majority of people exhale as the left Certified Internet Master Web hits the ground, but some people exhale when the right foot hits the ground. It is this group who seem more prone to get side stitches.
There is greater force on the liver (which is on the right side just below the rib cage) when exhaling while the right foot hits the ground. So, just as the liver is dropping down the diaphragm raises for the exhalation. It is believed this repeated stretching leads to spasms in the diaphragm and this spasm causes your pain. Seems like a good explanation to me, much better than my old coach's explanation, "because you are an out-of-shape wimp!" Other less accepted theories have included: diaphragmatic ischemia, imbalances of the thoracic spine, and irritation of the parietal peritoneum. Whatever the internal cause, there are some simple veteran runners tips that may help avoid or at least diminish this pain.
How do you stop a Side Stitch?
According to leading experts, to stop a side stitch when running, stop running and place your hand into the right side of your belly and push up, lifting the liver slightly. Inhale and exhale evenly as you push up.
Can you prevent a Side Stitch?
To prevent a side stitch, take even, deep breaths while running. Shallow breathing tends to increase the risk of cramping because the diaphragm is always slightly raised and never lowers Dc Motor Speed Control Circuit enough to allow the ligaments to relax. When this happens the diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" is more likely. This is why they happen more often when runners are trying to get back into Sudan Travel after a layoff.
Ten other tips to alleviate or avoid the pain of a side stitch include:
1. Improve your cardiovascular fitness.
2. Warm up properly before you run. Yes, that 5 minute warm-up walk again....
3. Strengthen your core muscles (lower back, abdominal and oblique muscles).
4. Avoid too much, too soon, too fast syndrome (my daughter's problem).
5. Avoid eating one to two hours before a workout. Having food in your stomach during a workout may increase cramping by creating more force on the ligaments.
6. Stretching may relieve and even prevent a cramp. Raise your right arm straight up and lean toward the left. Hold for 30 seconds, release and relax, and then stretch the other side.
7. Slow down your pace until pain lessens, or walk it out.
8. Breathe deeper to stretch the diaphragm when you feel a cramp coming on. Then, breathe slowly out of your mouth with pursed lips; this tends to relax the diaphragm.
9. Drink before exercise; dehydration can increase muscle cramps. An electrolyte sports drink may be even more helpful than just plain water. Avoid any carbonated beverages one to two hours prior to running.
10. Massage or put firm pressure on the area with pain. Bend forward to stretch the diaphragm and ease the pain.
If you continue to Rock Quartz pain, seek medical attention. A side stitch that lasts more than a few minutes could be early signs of appendicitis (or just simply annoying constipation). Pain radiating into your shoulder, chest or back may even be heart-related.
For most runners, a side-stitch is just a signal to slow down and relax! In my family, it gives my daughter an excuse to skip the end of a grueling workout! Maybe she is the smarter one?!
Dr Marybeth Crane is a board certified podiatric foot and ankle surgeon specializing in sports medicine. and a life-long runner! Your feet should last a lifetime! For more foot health tips, a copy of her FREE BOOK and doctor-approved foot care products, visit her website or read her blog Your body will thank you for it!