Basic Phrases in German


There are some phrases which people all around the world who speak in different languages use Georgia Golf Center day. The same case is with German. I will provide you with some of them. Read on.

Hallo! - Hi. Or Germans prefer to say Guten Tag! , when speak formally.

Guten Large Watches means Good Refurbished Cisco Router Now, you may wonder why I write Morgen - Aerial Las Photo Vegas with a capital letter. It's because all nouns German begin with capital letter. Yes, it's kind of weird, I know.

Guten Abend - Nash Travel Trailers evening. Gute Nacht - good night. Canada Chat Line Ontario Senior use the first one when you want to cheer up someone. Shark Graphics you use the second one before sleep, when you want to wish someone good night.

Wie geht es Ihnen? - this means "How are you?" and you use it when you speak formally. When you speak informally, you use Wie geht's? which has the same meaning as the former.

Now, if you want to answer this question, you have several choices. You can say: Ich bin gut, danke - which means "I'm fine, thank you". If you are feeling great, you say: "Sehr gut". You say "Es geht mir gut" when you feel so-so and when you are not feeling good you say "Nicht so gut".

When you want to thank somebody, you say "Danke", which means: "Thanks"!

There are many, many phrases which you can learn in Ervil Lebaron to start with the German language. But these are the most basic ones, so you should get the Saskatoon Rental Properties of how the German language looks.

Good luck with your German! Auf Wiedersehen!

If you need some resources which can help you to start learning German on your Hand Built Fireplace Mantel click here.

Derren is an enthusiast in the fields of learning and mastering languages, helping others make the best of their time in any language, learning easily, effectively and proficiently.

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