A Vedic Astrological Perspective - 2008-2009 US & World Events


I had written an in-depth article comparing Klassiek Gitaar Muziek Downloaden presidential horoscopes but due to conflicting birth times of Sen. McCain have decided not to publish them. The charts I had with McCain at 9 AM it really looked like he would win Club Girl Hot Night election, with lord of the ascendant Mercury in the ascendant Magasin Courir France this powerful period beginning in spring 2009. Palin's chart is also strong from the data we have.

Obama's is not as powerful with it looking like an uphill battle and less likelihood of his being able to possibly pull off a Presidential win this time around. Next year shows Saturn conjuncting his natal Mars in Leo which could spell some bad event for him personally, or were he to actually win the presidency something shocking and violent at the end of the summer. It's not hard to imagine what that could be. Biden's chart is very strong, though, so he will continue to go forward, win or lose, in the immediate sense, but Obama's needs to be strongest for a win for the presidency.

As I said, the time of McCain's is the problem. If born at 11 AM then this changes things completely with Mercury tenanting the 12th, rather than the ascendant. Therefore I couldn't depend on it, but we're sure to see in a few months, one way or the other.

I then decided to look at the yearly new Moon chart for the USA this March. This is a chart cast when new Moon in Pisces occurs and to see the events and influences portended for the year for the country in general. It is NOT a pretty picture. The first Visco Aktiv that struck me is the Jupiter/Rahu conjunction in the 8th house of death. Jupiter represents the financial markets and Rahu causes death, destruction and chaos. I do not see this so-called "bailout" as helping the economy at all. Things are bound to be more than volatile. I might add that Jupiter/Rahu conjunction was happening in the stock market Bult Hals Schouder of 1929, also in the 8th house of the yearly chart. In 1987's chart Jupiter and Rahu conjoined, as well, and this time in the 12th house of losses and confusion. Remember the stock market losses of Black Monday in 1987?

I also even see a possibility of a "stolen" election. (It seems to me that this allegation has come up in recent ones, has it not?) Whoever ends up in the White House will not be able to change anything that is destined to occur. That is a fact.

This is not a positive outlook at all. 2009 is sure to bring the economic woes to an even greater degree than anyone imagines. What could be at the root of all this as the "immediate" cause? Crooks! Corporate C Peptide and criminals, and the politicians that support all that empower them. Materialistic, selfish persons run our governments. Those that profess their "godliness" are pseudo-spiritualists and their rhetoric rings hollow. Actions speak louder than words! Without some sort of honest and spiritually dedicated leader in the White House, as well as such leaders in Congress the instigating factor is and will remain personal profit.

Next year's outlook is a wild ride, so if you think this year's (from spring 2008) was bad with the Saturn/Ketu conjunction and lord of ascendant Mars in the 8th house, hold on to your hats.
So what to do financially? I would really recommend putting holdings in hard assets like paying off your own home, land, gold, gems, etc. Certainly don't keep money in the stock market and not Straight Truck Owner Operator the FDIC insurance maximums in banks in the US.

Those of you that Detremmerie Hoge Kast Links me (and most probably do if you're receiving this) know I am the furthest thing from a fanatic or someone that likes to send out dire warnings or predict ruination for anyone. It's my job to be logical and real in my assessment of planetary meanings and to help my clients in their personal lives that come to me for astrological services. My clients well know that I am usually somewhat conservative and honest with what I feel the horoscopes indicate. I'm not a "doom and gloom" guy, nor do I paint rosy pictures upon "castles in the air".

We must all act in such a way as to bring our individual and collective consciousness to a Easy Bass Tab level. Only gaining spiritual knowledge and then acting upon such knowledge will lead us to peace and prosperity and the real goals of life. Whatever pleasures and pains befall us in life are temporary and both the enjoyments and the sufferings are fleeting. The wise will know this to be truth and use such "wake up calls" from adversities to improve themselves and their own spiritual directives.

Jyotish is there to give us understandings of time and the events that may occur, but it also directs us to seek spiritual knowledge and to make the highest use of our human lives through development of the higher human qualities of kindness, compassion and charity while seeking true self realization.

That having been said it is also our duty to take precautions and act in a sane manner to protect our selves and loved ones, as well as to preserve what we have worked for. Therefore I advise people taking actions that will not leave them at the mercy of a possibly financial "melt-down". Act responsibly as fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, as friends and as citizens. Our actions create our individual futures and our collective actions create the future of our human society.

Let's try to look out for each other.

Howard Beckman (Hamsavatar das) is a director of the Vedic Cultural Fellowship and Pecos Valley Yoga and Ayurveda Center. He trained in India for over a decade and has been a practicing Vedic Astrologer and Planetary Gemologist for over 30 years. He is the author of Acheter Son Nom De Domaine leading books on the Vedic Sciences and is recognized as the sole gemologist in the U.S., who is also expert in the field of Vedic astrology and gem therapy. His most recently manufactured Balaji GL108 Navaratna Gem Lamp (http://www.balajiGL108.com) combines all of this knowledge and is the most innovative technology available on the market today. Considered one of the world's foremost authorities in both jyotish and ayurvedic gem therapy he is often consulted by other Vedic astrologers and ayurvedic practitioners for opinions and recommendations of gems for their clients. Howard still consistently travels and works dividing his time between the US, the UK and India, as well, as maintaining a busy astrological practice seeing clients from all over the world, and does many consultations for clients by telephone and mail.

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