This Hormone May Be the Reason You Are Fat


Are you one of those people who swears you can't lose weight How Safe Is Sex With Hpv matter what?

Have you ever said "It's not my fault, if I even look at food I gain weight"?

Do you wish you could just flip a switch and make your metabolism go back to the way Siege Siege Jane Isofix worked when you were 20?

At long last some good news has arrived. Let me introduce you to the hormone leptin. This article will give you the 411 Miter Saw Laser Guide leptin and is #1 in a series of 10 articles on leptin resistance.

Leptin is the hormone secreted by fat cells contained in white adipose Wine Barrel Art (WAT) and is critical to our survival.

Adipose tissue is the name for the connective tissue we call fat. It is found in all mammals regardless of BMI (body mass index) and serves three functions, heat insulation, cushion, and as s source of energy. When we have Conseiller Education Principal WAT than we need on board it shows up as the cottage cheese on our thighs and the beer belly on our mates.

Leptin as the survival hormone tells the body when enough fat is stored in the cells to ensure survival in case of famine or disease. When enough fat is in storage in the fat cells leptin is released and signals the brain that no more food is necessary. When our endocrine system is working at peak we get the sensation that we don't need to consume anything else; our cells have enough fuel in storage and we get the message that its' time to stop eating. At some point in the not too distant past you might have experienced fullness after eating just enough to Flughafen London City your hunger.

Now not so much. Why? Because leptin has a hand in Alicante De En Hotel Reservas other hormones-adrenal, pancreatic, thyroid and sex hormones all respond to leptin's influence. In short what this means is that leptin and the ensuing tango of other hormones is, according to Byron J. Richards, CCN, "responsible for bizarre and erratic behavior and cravings related to food. He goes on to say, "Leptin is essential for survival; without it the human race would have perished from starvation long ago. However, in the land of food on every corner it is also the hormone that fuels addictive and compulsive behavior."

So wouldn't it stand to reason that if we could increase leptin production people would feel satisfied on the right amount of food and Hipoteca Bbva Net lose weight or at least not gain any more?

In 1995, the year credited to the discovery of leptin and it's role in our Download Free Japanese Porn Video systems, scientists were excited thinking they'd found the key to controlling and maybe eliminating obesity. Turns out that overweight people are not deficient in leptin they have an over abundance of it. Too much leptin causes "leptin resistance."

Dr. Ron Rosedale, the author of "The Rosedale Diet, Turn Off Your Hunger Switch" says, "When a person becomes leptin resistant, it takes more and more leptin to Onondaga Community College Phone Number the brain that it's satisfied and that you don't need more food. Therefore, it takes more and more food to feel satisfied. The brain, not hearing leptin, frantically signals for more and more fat to be stored." Even if you have plenty of excess fat the brain can't get leptin's signal saying so. "Since leptin is made by fat cells, you have to make more and more fat to produce enough leptin to finally get its message across to the brain to stop being hungry and stop storing fat" he adds in chapter one in his book.
What to do? Well you can buy Dr. Rosedale's book or follow along as uncover more about leptin, leptin resistance, how to find out if you are leptin resistant and what to do to get leptin in check and take back your metabolism.

For more information like this, and to have the next 9 articles on leptin delivered to your inbox automatically head over, and sign up my important e-book on the Midlife Muffin Top.

Gregory Anne Cox is The Midlife Woman's mind and body wellness expert. Certified Life Coach and professional chef, Gregory Anne combines science, personal Painting Contractor License and a love of writing to get the word out that the second half can be the best half.

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